UniFi / Streamyx

Thursday, 4 August 2011

UniFi / Streamyx


现在UPGRADE (升级)Streamyx--> UniFi  @ UniFi --> UniFi 免费3个月升级费,只需付回原本的价钱

[直到30/6/2012 ]

Email申请资料 ---》 过后TM Net人员会告诉你安装日期 --》 去你家安装 (完毕)


 email:    [email protected]


email 给( [email protected] )
*I/C 号码:

Existing Streamyx Login ID (如有):
保留家里电话(如有): YES / NO

*附加一张复印 I/C 然后拍照(清楚一点的) 或者  直接SCAN然后EMAIL 我 ([email protected] )




UniFi (个人 Personal Plan)

UniFi (生意 Business Plan)

个人配套 (Streamyx)

Streamyx Blockbuster Deal 配套

公司配套 (Streamyx)
   Business SOHO Plan

SOHO ADSL 1.0M - RM 148 per month (Normal Package)
          - The price remains RM 148 per month forever
          - Contract is 1 year
          - Wireless modem, contractor installation
          - Activation RM75 & installation RM88 will be charged

SOHO ADSL 1.0M - Office-in-a-box (Promotion)
          - RM198 per month
          - includes phone line rental RM45 (Free Rental)
          - includes free phone calls up to RM88
            (198 - 45 - 88 = 65) means you only pay RM65 for the streamyx
          - free wireless modem
          - free DECT phone
          - Contract is 2 years
          - Activation & installation are free (waived)

SOHO ADSL 2.0M - Office-in-a-box (Promotion)
          - RM258 per month
          - includes phone line rental RM45 (Free Rental)
          - includes free phone calls up to RM88
            (258 - 45 - 88 = 125) means you only pay RM125 for the streamyx
          - free wireless modem
          - free DECT phone
          - Contract is 2 years
          - Activation & installation are free (waived)

SOHO ADSL 4.0M - Office-in-a-box (Promotion)
          - RM268 per month
          - includes phone line rental RM45 (Free Rental)
          - includes free phone calls up to RM88
            (268 - 45 - 88 = 135) means you only pay RM135 for the streamyx
          - free wireless modem
          - free DECT phone
          - Contract is 2 years
          - Activation & installation are free (waived)
给的安装日期觉得不适合,顾客可以拨去 1300-88-1515 / 1300-88-1221 (UniFi)  @ 1300-88-1515 Streamyx 更换安装日期(至少安装时间24小时之前更换)
